
By PaulaJ

Seen, but not really seen!

Never, never would I have thought . . .

. . . a few months ago that I would be photographing insects. But here I am and I am quite pleased with this. I assume it is a Hoverfly, but I know no more than that.

It would sound silly to say that I have never seen one of these, because of course they must have been around all my life. It would be more accurate to say that I have never actually looked at one before and certainly never photographed one, so I could really see it. I am going to own up and say that I think it is rather splendid, although I can see many Blippers (one in particular) laughing and saying to themselves: 'I told you so!' Well, I've come round to it in the end!

It does just make me wonder though what else there is in the world that I have . . .

. . . seen, but not really seen!

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