
By Veronica


Not what I was doing by the end of today's walk :) I'd expected it to be of similar length and difficulty to last week's, but by the time I'd staggered to the highest point I was thinking, "Never again!"  I consoled myself with the thought that it was all downhill back to the cars (which we could see in the distance), but H had sneakily added an extra up-down-and-around loop along a rather tedious path, adding on an extra half hour. Stats: 8.5 km, 350m climbing, 2.75 hours. The beer with free tapa at the bar in Vélez was more than welcome and thoroughly earned. Er -- in other news, I rejoined Slimming World as I'm now 4 kg over my target weight :-/

I also felt justified in doing not a lot this afternoon, just sofa lounging and a bit of shopping. Although it was sunny and warm for our walk, it's turned chilly and cloudy with rain forecast for tomorrow.

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