What did I see today...?

By DaveR


Back from my trip to Exeter and after a sleepy Saturday afternoon it was off to the zoo on Sunday. This was Mark's idea and one that was fully embraced by pretty much all of us, there were about fourteen of us in the end, ages varying between 1 and *mumblemumble* Needless to say we all had a great time, regardless of age and willingness to muck about!

There were lots of animals to see and I took something close to three hundred photos, some more of which I may upload to my AlterBlips folio eventually.

However, it was this lemur who I thought deserved the pride of place in today's Blip. Not only is it sooc (excluding a bit of cropping) but it also highlights the same kind of feelings a lot of people get every time they visit a zoo or similar. There's all these creatures trapped when they should be free, but a lot of the time they're also in such danger in the wild that the zoo is actually the best place for them to survive. This little guy was no exception, a white-collared lemur he and the rest of his kind are endangered and due to the restricted natural range of their habitat they're in some of the top lists of endangered animals worldwide.

So here he is, caged for his own protection.

Holiday back-Blips!
Poppy - me and my not-a-god-daughter.
Bramble - my friends' pet chinchilla!
The Family Roberts - Poppy, Vicki & Carasek; The Family Roberts!

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