Last Day of Freedom

Tomorrow is the little guys first day of school. Uniforms washed and ready…….books covered…..lunch being made and a reasonably early night.

The room has been cleaned and tided so I had to take a pic for prosperity
he is putting away his treasures into his special Scotland box that Peter/Sleepyhead made him with badges from all the castles and special places we visited when I was there. It wont stay like that for fact I think it might be a wee bit ruffled (nice way of putting it) already.

Im not sure how I feel about this going to school business (its all about me)…in some ways it will be nice to have some space but in another way…I won’t be seeing my little mate for 5 days in the week….things are going to change….sigh!

The Viking ship is finished.....I am happy that we all chipped in on the BIG/MAMMOTH project it was fun...... the three of us….well mostly the two of them…(my hand was not quite up to the job for some things)…anyway its finished..and what a beauty it is.

When I woke this my sleepy myopic state I looked out to the hills and thought WOW that's a bit white cloud hanging low.On further inspection with my glasses on I saw it was the sail of the ship (an old white curtain billowing in the breeze and not a cloud after all).
Bit of a worry.

Anyhoo I have been fiddling with the computer for hours now…its been doing some very strange things….for some reason it wanted me to start writing in some nordic script….(maybe its all the Nordic series I have been watching…its rubbing off)
…another one of them being that  I cannot seem to upload to blip….it keeps crashing firefox so I thought I would do my write up now and try again later.

“When I was 5 years old, my mother always told me that happiness was the key to life. When I went to school, they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. I wrote down ‘happy’. They told me I didn’t understand the assignment, and I told them they didn’t understand life.”
- John Lennon

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