Let There Be Light

By solli

What's for Lunch

Eastern Pondhawk ~ Erythemis simplicicollis

Lenape was emptied out of swallows and monarchs, but the dragonflies were very numerous and active. The male and female twelve spotted were alternately in coitus or were protecting a large rutted depression in the grass that had filled with water from the recent rain. The blue dashers were protecting another shallow depression a few feet away. Barely visible in the water were the tiny damselflies who curled their abdomens as they clung to the wet blades of grass.

I was debating whether to shoot a skittish male twelve spotted when I happened to catch a female Eastern Pondhawk perching on a small reed. I fired off two or three shots when suddenly all became a blur! A quick refocus showed that she was triumphantly perched on her reed, only this time she had a fly hanging out her mouth!

I've never seen a dragonfly catch an insect before so I was fairly hopped up and tried to get closer, but I disturbed her and she flew to a reed where she could nosh in peace. Of course I followed along, hoping she'd be too engrossed in her meal to notice me. But when she had her fill of me and the fly, she discarded the carcass and flew away.

Poor blue fly. Today was your unlucky day.

If you'd like to see her full size, please click on the link to flickr here.

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