Mar In Urbana

By MarMilner

Meet Jann

Today's blip was a bit fun to get. Took off early as everyone was driving to work. I see this lady on a side street pull out on her pink scooter. I turn and try to catch her but she is way down at the end of the street by now getting ready to turn onto another street. By now I realize I am too late and won't be able to catch her. At this point she turns around, drives back and pulls into her driveway. She forgot her sun glasses. Good for me. I pull into her drive and ask, would you mind if I took your picture? Although I was holding her up from heading to work she said yes. So here is my blip for the day. As I was leaving the house I realized I had taken a blip of her home earlier this week. I was in the back of her home and hadn't realized this however.
(Her home blip on the top right)

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