Skip's Blips

By Skip


Two hummingbirds, each hoping to claim possession of the nectar feeder. The one that is lurking in the background had possession, but it is being challenged by a feisty newcomer. Early this week there were several hummers zipping around the feeder, but today I only saw these two.

This afternoon there was another type of confrontation in our yard. My husband went out with the weed whacker to do some trimming, and he almost whacked a baby bunny. Fortunately, it escaped harm, and hubby hollered, "Skip, come quick and bring your camera." It turns out there were three baby bunnies, but they all scattered, and I was only able to track down one and return it to the nest. I actually had to return it twice because it tried to scamper away a few minutes later when he started the mower, and I heard, "Skip, come here!" The second time I held it in the palm of my hand, gently and firmly, until the mower monster was gone, and I could place the little guy back in the nest. I posted a few more hummingbird and bunny pictures here.

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