
By ecclescake

Urban Culture Jam

The day of the Urban Culture Jam in Accrington finally arrived, and with it the first performance of 'The Chase' choreographed piece and film. There were also workshops, live graffiti art and bands playing.

Dave and I were both busy for most of the afternoon, as in addition to screening our film, we were also documenting the event. As we were both filming, I only had time to take a few still shots - this one was the first showing of the film. It was meant to just be a run through for sound and to check the equipment was all working properly... but the people who were organising/arrived early/were in the film wanted to see it and so we played it through for them then. We got some lovely feedback from the people who watched it - and our favourite comment came from one of the young people who took part in the selection process choosing us as filmmakers. He came up to us with a big smile, telling us how happy he was with the film... and saying they had chosen the right people in selecting us. Moments like that make all the late nights worth while!

Whilst I was setting up the video camera, one of the young peeps asked to borrow my camera again... and a few of them took it in turn to take photos... they did a great job of capturing candid shots of each other and the event. This process of them documenting events themselves has come about really organically - they keep asking me to let them use it, and as long as the camera ends up with me at the end of the day - then I don't mind! The photos are here...

The next performance/screening will be the big Blaze event in Preston on 8th September - can't wait!

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