Taking the Wrappers off

After a week of daily sketchbook studies.... I ventured into the realms of bareback pastelling today.
In other words.... full sheet, A1 composition. No predrawing, no rulers, no measuring, just full on go for it watercolour underpanting* then free style pastelling over the top.
And sideways pastelling at that.
Which means - not holding them like pencils, but unwrapping them and using them in an altogether more painterly fashion.
For me - that's pretty scary....  normally I would square up my source photo - painstakingly copy from square to square in pencil first and slowly build up to the final outcome.... but not today....
I feel exhausted... it's not the best I've done but it has a very different feeling.
Scary yes, but enjoyable too.
Favourite bit - those messy pots on top of the shed.
* underpanting
Saw this typo and it made me giggle so I left it - and I was indeed panting - or maybe palpitating as I ventured into free fall with this today.

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