Elf Kirk Viewpoint

Up at Keilder yesterday (back blipping here), for the same reason we did it around this time last year.... didn't there used to be a button for clicking here that said One Year Ago Today???? mine seems to have vanished...
Anyway - visiting E's brother there who in turn is visiting from Norwich - so they have an annual get together.
That is nice.
I find the place dreary though - it's a monotonous stretch of pine trees and a vast expanse of flat water.. sorta like a desert but with water and trees if you get the idea?
Only critters we saw were squished on the road that circles the reservoir.
Don't get me wrong - the Calvert Trust Respite Centre where E's wheelchair bound brother stays do stirling work - throwing the clients backwards off high walls, launching them from swings that'd make Tarzan billious, zip lines etc.
Maybe it looks different in the summer....

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