... with one eye open.

By Chamaeleo

Covent Garden Market HDR

Well, this is something similar but different. Larger in "large"...

I went into town today for lunch with a friend, and afterwards we wandered over to Covent Garden. You probably know that I like symmetry, and while the people and stairs and flags and stalls (&c.) interfere with the symmetry of the scene (I was on the line of symmetry...), it has a satisfying underlying symmetry that shines through the chaos.

Quick blip: I could say much more about today... I hope later to catch up with others' journals!

GrahamColling kindly suggested that this picture might look stronger if I cropped it below the yellow flags: I've uploaded that crop to Blipfolio, and it definitely looks much more effective without all the bustle at the bottom.
Thank you! Advice is must appreciated and always gratefully received.

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