Door, walls, mosses and ferns

One of our favourite walks, a 12 mile round trip from Elterwater to Tarn Hows via Little Langdales, Tilberthwaite and Glen Mary. A dry day but cooler with a dusting of snow on the high peaks later in the afternoon as we walked the last mile or so between Skelwith Bridge back to Elterwater.

The cafe at Elterwater has changed hands since September, seems more spacious inside and nicely decorated. The coffee and scones were excellent. That's two good scone days out of two.

This walk takes us past one of the best views in the Lakes, that of Little Langdale which featured in my blip last February.

And it's not just the landscape which inspires on walks such as this, the micro detail is just as special as today's blip shows.

The mosses on trees, buildings and walls are fascinating, such a variety of different species and different colours and forms. Today's blip is of an outbuilding of a row of miners cottages on the road between Hodge Close and High Yewbarrow. It's not only the the mosses, it's also the stonework and the detail of paint on the door and hinge.

That's not an original thought of mine, something I remembered from our photography course last year where we were alerted to the opportunities of detail such as this and the story it might tell.

See you all on Wednesday!

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