
It was a lovely bright morning, and I decided to go into work at the normal time, not another early start.  It was a strange morning and an even stranger afternoon, as the piece of work that I have been working on has kind of come to an end – though not totally.  The pressure of the past few weeks has gone – for me at least.  Anyway I did have a very encouraging chat this afternoon with my temporary boss.

It was nice to leave in daylight and to get home in daylight.

Today was world book day – a day which I equate with Halloween due to BB’s dislike of dressing up.  Thankfully his school abandoned the dressing up requirement this year and had a book swap instead.  In addition they had to take a book into school and they spent some time reading for pleasure.  I wish we could have done that at work.

I had a PTA meeting tonight, and although I have now given up my treasurer role, I still came away with a load of action points.

Here’s a further update on the St James demolition


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