Heat Combo

I have no idea what the temperature it but it's hot. Beer and watermelon, not together, one came before the other, you can guess ;-)

I presented my latest work to my boss today. It's functional but ugly in places. Maybe we can work around that, or maybe the software provider can make some changes. More questions.

In the world of selling and buying houses it was busy. Much of the paper work required by my lawyer from me for the sale of my place is with her. It's easier in an electronic world than trotting off to see her every 5 minutes.

With the purchase side of things it's under way. First thing Monday morning I'll have professional inspections done. I should have a report by the end of the day and lab results a week later.

Insurance is set up and ready to go but I can't it has to sit as a quote until 8am Wednesday morning. That will be 30 days from possession date and earliest insurance companies will finalise insurance in Canterbury now. Hopefully there is nothing that will trigger an insurance embargo. Ironically my new house insurance will cost less than it does now.

Slowly but surely.

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