Campervan Kid

By Campervankid

Road Trip Starts

Last morning in Vegas. Caroline ate her body weight in frozen yogurt and we made our way to get the car. Well I say car, it was more like a tank! There was even a step to get into it! Took a little getting used too then off we went. Had a quick explore of Old Vegas before leaving, quite sad we didn't find this earlier as it was really interesting, a lot of old casinos. We decided against the zip wire and made our way out of the city. We stopped off at a local supermarket after lots of warnings from the car hire people emphasising that the next stage of our trip through death valley was not called death valley without reason. Today has been one of the hottest on record so we wanted to ensure we had enough Gatorade, water and food for the journey. I also discovered a new love of mine, cheeto puffs, oh wow, wotsits will never taste the same again.
It was quite dramatic the way the city disappeared so quickly and ahead of us was straight, baking hot road and dessert. This is when I am hoping my weeks of planning of routes and places to stay have paid off.
Stopped a number of times along the way to get the typical tourist picture in the middle of the empty, long straight road going to nowhere. The trip was taking longer than we thought but managed to make it to Zabriski point just as the sun set. Opening the car door was like opening an oven, I clocked it at 122 degrees at 20:03. Some more amazing views to take in and then I took over the wheel to do the last leg to our night stop over. Although I loved this car, driving it on mountain sides in the pitch black was not any fun. We did however make it to the Rustic Oasis hotel in one piece.
A well earnt beer on the veranda. Pleasantly surprised by the rooms given the price and the fact it looks like Bates motel from Psycho!

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