Heron Rookery

I spent almost five hours at Silverado with Arvin today. When I arrived he was steaming mad at everybody and everything including me. It took awhile for him to calm down with as much help as I could give him. This is the first time he has been mad at me so it was really hard at first. But after 20 minutes or so we went to the area where the Janna the cat lives and using her I was able to calm Arvin. Eventually he forgot he was mad at me at all. Oddly this was reassuring as it made it clear that his anger was more from his disease than actually at me. He is in a very tough spot right now. His memory is really bad and he feels lost. That makes him frustrated and confused and this makes him angry. And at this stage in the disease anger tends to appear anyhow. It is so hard for him and not all that easy for me either. I had a long talk with Leah at Silverado about all of this. It will be awhile before the med change to kick in and help him control his anger. And I made some suggestions about having somewhere in Silverado that was quiet and had classical or some other soothing music playing instead of the popular music or news that is everywhere now. Arvin hates both of those and they exacerbate his anger. Leah said she would bring this up at their meeting tomorrow morning.

On the way home I stopped at the heron rookery in Fairhaven to see the herons. Already the trees are flowering up and making it a bit hard to see the birds. There are lots of them. I photographed this pair as they worked on their nest.

When I got home I had a lovely online chat with my son Jason and a nice conversation with my brother Steve. Helena called and we talked about what is going on with her dad. It was good to touch base with family.

Now I'm relaxing, blipping and soon will go back to my  current obsession with the show called "Heartland" about a ranch in Alberta, Canada. I love that show and have been watching several episodes each night. It's on Netflix and I'm on series 3. They have seven series and there are three more. The current one is series 10. It will be awhile before I catch up.

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