stuff & nonsense

By sleepyhead

Falling #7

An apology to begin tonight.

Sorry for turning off comments yesterday. I haven't been sleeping well for the past few nights and anyone who's been (un)fortunate enough to spend any time with me when I'm tired knows, I'm a terrible grouch! My tiredness has meant I haven't been able to catch up with you guys as much as I wanted (or even keep up with replies to your comments on my blips) which has made me even grouchier!

Heh, of course, by the time I posted last night you were probably all tucked up in bed sound asleep! :- )

Thanks so much for all your lovely comments which you have left for this series. You only have yourselves to blame for it continuation!

Actually that's not entirely true. I had hoped to bring you my first play with the ND filter tonight but unfortunately it didn't arrive. I wish Amazon would stop using Royal Mail for next day deliveries. They almost always never turn up. Grrrr... Ah well, another day!

So here is #7 instead. Here's to the hump of the week tomorrow. Back after tea to do some catching up (if I don't fall asleep on the sofa - which is a big possibility)!

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