Louise is 50?!

I think today must have been the hottest day of summer. Ann spent most of the afternoon lying flaked out on her sun lounger reading trashy magazines. I spent most of the afternoon lying in the kitchen where it was nice and cool. I kept going outside and nudging her with my nose because I wanted my walk.

Ann said I wasn't getting my walk until 4pm because she wanted to tie it in with a visit to the pub at 5pm to celebrate her colleague, Louise's 50th Birthday.

So at 4pm off I went for my walk. I had a lovely play at 'Mans Head' which is a grassy area and then I went for a walk round the 'Island'. Normally I manage to stay clean here but today I found a muddy pool to wallow in. Ann was furious with me. She said, 'There's no way I can take you to Louises birthday bash looking like that - you stink - we'll have to go to Bamaluz so you can get clean?!'

YAY! I had a fabulous time down at Bamaluz Beach. I met a spaniel who invited me to play with him. His owner threw the ball into the sea and we had to race each other to get it. I got it every time - spaniels are a bit slow!
Anyway after only 5 mins of playtime Ann said I was clean enough to go and see Louise.

So off we went to the 'Queens' for a couple of glasses of wine and a slice of birthday cake.

Happy Birthday Louise. Hope you have a fabulous weekend. xx

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