Archie in a Field

Back to school today for the Little Misses. Not a moment too soon!!
As usual at the start of term I sorted out everything they needed last night rather than leaving it to this morning and running around in a mad panic!! 
I made sure their uniform was clean - and not scrunched up in a filthy heap where it was left when they broke up three weeks ago; I made sure their snack boxes were clean - and not full of manky banana skins and half eaten cheese sticks which had been fermenting nicely over the holidays; I made sure their shoes were actually on the rack - not disappeared into the black hole of where-the-f**k-are-your-shoes?????
I got up early - rather than eeking out every last second in bed - and the morning was completely relaxed and easy.
It's not rocket science is it? 
So why won't I do the same tomorrow?!!!!!

It was Archie's first trip to the vet today. We're taking him to Normandy with us in June so we needed to get his Pet Passport.
Breaking with nightmare passport application tradition I didn't leave it until we had seconds to spare but got it sorted a full three weeks early. Three weeks!!!!
He had a general check of his eyes, teeth and boys bits (I had to ask if they were normal because they're MASSIVE!!!!! All perfectly normal apparently. If a little unsightly!!!)
And he had his rabies jab which means he's all good to channel his inner poodle in France. Yay!
He'd better enjoy it because he owes us £127 for the privilege. Ouch!!
On the way back from the vets I stopped at the rugby club to let him have a run about. It was gorgeous - sun, blue sky, fluffy clouds, blossom and a mad cockerpoo bouncing through the fields.
Almost helped me get over the shock of the vets bill!!

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