A busy Monday for me - its after midnight and I am only just posting my blip.

Did a few chores around the house this morning and then down to the Community Centre for fitness class.  Quite a few there this week. Enjoyed it as usual. Then a bit of shopping before going in search of a blip shot.

I headed for the churchyard and took loads of photos of the old gravestones. I intended on blipping one of these.  Then I went down to where the newer gravestones are.  Whenever I am in the churchyard I always pop down to say " Hello " to my old school friend Christine who is buried there. In the end I chose to blip a view of the gravestones in the newer part of the churchyard - the one in the foreground belongs to Christine who died in 2012 aged 61 - she was the same age as me. Her Mam and Dad are neighbours of mine - they regularly leave fresh flowers and I see they have recently placed some daffodils. The Mono Monday challenge today has the theme of " Stone " so these gravestones are my contribution.  Thanks to Nickimags888 for hosting the challenge.

Back home to sort out a few things, have a meal and then catch the bus to Newcastle to go to the match.  Town was buzzing with excitement.  If Newcastle United won tonight then they were guaranteed promotion back to the Premiership (where they belong!). So the pressure was on.  There was excitement when Newcastle scored.  Groans when Preston equalised.  More excitement when Newcastle went 2 - 1 up.  Then 3 -1 up.  And then total hysteria when the final score was 4 - 1.  Whew they did it.  PROMOTION.  No pitch invasion like there was at Brighton the other day.  The stewards at Newcastle are very strict and I knew beforehand that no-one would be allowed on the pitch.  The odd fan who did try was soon ejected quite forcibly by the stewards.  So we just stood in the stands or around the barrier and clapped and cheered.  The team were congratulated by the opposition and interviewed by the press.  The Manager was applauded by the crowd and the Captain did a lap of the ground and acknowledged the fans support.  What a night. 

Walking back through town for my bus there was a fantastic atmosphere.  Great to see all the fans on a high.  Bring on next season.  Howay The Lads  

Steps today - 15,515

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