Striped Geckos (Lygodactylus)

This little darling is just over 3cm long! I found him against the kitchen wall, obviously only a week or two old.

They are all over the house, and come in very handy in controlling mosquitoes, because that is mainly what they eat, and being residents of a malaria plagued country, we love these little mosquito munchers!

I must admit that the fully grown ones are hair rasing! I just screem and R jnr must run to his grannys rescue! Silly, I know, but ghrrrrr! The bigger ones we see here can be about 15cm long, and when they are nice and fat, they look dangerous, but are really not!

The grown ones can get into quite fierce fights with each other, don?t actually know why, haven't had the opportunity to ask them yet :)he-he-he, but the fight can become quite noisy and when they fall off the wall onto the floor, it makes such a BANG, you should think he must be hurt terribly, but no, the fight just goes on!

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