" Shed loads of sex..

and no responsibility "

At least that's how my mate refers to my return to student life today.

Started at Bradford Uni for about the tenth post grad course I have done. I am sure there should be a bench with my name on by now !!!
( Here sat Bradford's witteriest woman)

Sadly , twenty years since I started there, the blip title doesn't sum up part time adult study quite the same as a blip taken twenty years ago would have done. ( Thank god there was no Internet and mobile phones then . No one , but no one , wants to see me in a purple tassled skirt, doc martens and a pint dancing - I use the term loosely - with some ugly long haired rock god on a sticky dance floor, begging him for a snog whilst Pearl Jam played in the background .

So , nostalgia aside , today I went back to study .

It'll be tough working, studying and being a single parent oh and training for Rio 2016 but you know it'll be worth it.

This time next year I will have a nurse prescribing qualification and it's an opportunity I can't turn down.

Who needs rest anyway? I can sleep when I'm dead.


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