stuff & nonsense

By sleepyhead

Falling #10

This is the final entry in my Falling series for the time being.

It's been fair to say I've been struggling with a few things since I went back to work and inspiration for photography has been among them. The series has allowed me to continue blipping without doing much more than wandering round the loch after work shooting dead or dying plants, but I need to try and move past it now. Thanks for all your favourites and lovely comments on them.

I have no idea what I'm going to replace it with yet, especially given the shortening and still grey, rainy days. Heh, if #11 shows it's face tomorrow you'll know I failed miserably with that too!

Although I'm still hopelessly behind with all your journals I'm not going to have time to do any catching up tonight either I'm afraid. Thanks so much for all the hearts and comments you left for the High Steward. I will get round to replying eventually. Promise.

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