And we are off!!

what a day!
So our trip to Vancouver has finally arrived!
Daughter Number 2 arrived nice and early and set up office in the dining room ready for house sitting.  Daughter Number 1 then arrived to take us to Cobham services where we met our traveling companions.  After a little bit of traffic we got to Heathrow ok where parking was already organised.
We got through security nice and quickly and settled in a bar for brunch where I ordered a cocktail called  the 'Honey Bee' just because I liked the name. Think it was just brandy but im on holiday so I don't care!! I cuddled an M and M, made Shirley pose with a Policemans hat on and took hundreds of pictures before we had even left the ground!
The flight was uneventful and I managed to get some octopus tenticles made! My girls also set me a challenge to tell their Auntie to stop moaning as many times as possible by saying "Ah shut up you moaning old flea bag" but I just end up in stitches each time I say it but it's making my snap chats fun and my kids laugh!!
Once we landed we were greeted by stretched Limo that took us to our amazing hotel with asuite on  the 19th floor over looking Vancouver. There's even a sofa for Mr W if I start snoring!!
We then headed out for a bite to eat before hitting the sack at what was 3am English time but still light over here!!! The time difference may well be a bit of a killer but I'm no moaning old flea bag!!!!
The only thing I forgot was my handbag and the only thing Mr W forgot was my thyroxine!!! Oops, maybe a bit sluggish after 12 days without it!!!!

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