Reflecting in a rock pool (Day 751)

It was already 17 C as I wandered up the hill with the woofers this morning. There was a bit of a breeze blowing, which made things a bit more pleasant.
Back home, I plastered myself with sun screen and headed out to tackle cutting the grass. I have neglected it too long and I ended up cutting it a multitude of times, setting the mower lower each time. I gave up after 3 and a half hours, when my beautiful wife suggested it was time for lunch.
After lunch, we headed to Skaill and wandered north. We wandered away from the path and found another huge rock pool. Talisker thoroughly enjoyed swimming around and catching things in it. There was no repeat of yesterday's skinny dipping, mores the pity...
After feeding the dogs at home, HV and I took a short trip out on the bikes. We are off out to a wedding reception later. I think I have earned a beer.
I'll finish cutting the grass tomorrow. Maybe.

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