Desperately seeking

By clickychick

Bempton Gannets

The Mate and I were out at 5am catching the rising sun on the cliffs, just in case we didn't see any birds today!

Over a cuppa I told him and The Man my worries about my blurred shots I'd taken yesterday. The Mate immediately got out his 70 -200mm and 400mm lenses and did test shots while I made sandwiches and bacon butties.

The result of this was that there was nothing wrong with my body, the Canon one, that is!, . So I was going to leave the telephoto and have a share of The Mate's L series lenses. It actually worked well. There were plenty of birds, if one went, another arrived or they just sat still on the cliffs ! We had amply time to take shots then swap lenses.

We made our way from our caravan site, northwards, towards the RSPB Visitors Centre and it was after our cup of coffee there that we got our best view of the gannets. The Staple Newk viewing platform was a particularly good.

Over 14,000 steps taken today. That's over  6 miles walked., my best day since getting my Fitbit! A great day for seeing the birds, too!

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