
here's my 200th blip. i didn't think i'd ever make it to 200. in your face, inconsistency! i'm back on this site to stay (hopefully..)

this is a large mural by victor ash from 2007. it's on a building in kreuzberg in berlin. i am so surprised that more people haven't taken photos of it at night.
the alignment with the shadow of the flag from the car dealership across the street is PERFECT. perfect. i love this.

berlin trip is winding down.. i'll be heading back to the states on thursday morning. classes begin on monday.. and next week is a week of birthdays.
turning 28, 26, and 40.

i positively LOVE the month of january. and if it weren't -16 degrees C (4 F) i would run outside and just enjoy the air.
but i can't. because it's impossible for me to bundle up enough to be comfortable and not feel like the michelin man. c'est la vie.

i've gotten to speak italian two nights in a row - it's nice. i've forgotten a lot though...oh, to practice more.

mi manca la lingua nella mia vita. tantissimo...
come mi manchi. e non lo sarai perche non telo diro adesso... pero penso che tu sapessi.

domenica, 4 gennaio : just what is it?

lunedi, 5 gennaio : another breakfast

one year ago today..
snowshoeing on mt. hood, oregon

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