Ring of Fire

Another wonderful sunrise.  I so enjoy going out in the morning, especially witnessing such stunning cloud formations.  That's Mt Iron in the background.  After breakfast I went off to church, the hymn for the day is 'To God Be the Glory'.    Lots of people asked me if I saw the sunrise!  Yes, yes, yes.

After church I spoke to my eldest granddaughter on skype, she lives in Melbourne, and it is her birthday today.  Happy birthday Ali.  I then went for a walk to get my steps up to 8,000, yes, managed it, 8,595, or 5.5 k's.  It is a long way!  I met a family also out walking, but the men in the party were carrying weights!!!.  Had a nice chat to my daughter in Wellington on skype, so am now settling in for the evening. 

Blip No. 1937.

NZ news in 1937,

Making hay on our farm (Extra 2)

Milk in schools was introduced (extra 1).  I enjoyed having my half pint of milk, even though it was warm, with cream settled on the top!  They stopped providing milk in 1967.

Historic radio link to cover the arrival of Airship Hindenburg, and its destruction by fire.  It was the first international radio broadcast in NZ.

The first State House was built in Mirimar, Wellington.

Amelia Earhart and her navigator go missing over the South Pacific.while attempting to fly around the world

The first recording of the voice of JFK at Harvard University.

Famous NZers 1937

Murray Ball, Cartoonist  :  Ron Brierly, Businessman  :  Bruce McLaren, Racing driver and car designer  :  Roger Douglas, Politician  

Death of Ernest Rutherford,  Physicist 

Famous People

Morgan Freeman, (80), Movie Actor  :  Bill Cosby, 79, TV Actor  :  Jack Nicholson, (80), Movie Actor  :  Anthony Hopkins, (79), Movie Actor  :  Dustin Hoffman (79), Movie Actor  :  Jane Fonda (79), Movie Actress,  Bobby Charlton, (79), Soccer player  :  Barbara Windsor, (79), Soap Opera Actress  :  Shirley Bassey, (80), Jazz Singer  :  Colin Powell, (80),  Politician  :  Vanessa Redgrave, (80), Movie Actress  :  Don Everly, Country singer  :  Jackie Collins, Novelist.

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