I've got woods

With the back lanes of Embra not so easily accessible the woods may be the new lanes. I have taken to dropping the twins off at school and then wandering through the woods playing games of who can find the fox crap first with the whippet, she wants to find it so she can roll in it, I want to find it so I can get her on the lead before she has the chance.

All this excitement and I'm still at my workpod before 9am with a cup of tea and a slice of cake.

In other news, Barclays may be the worst bank in the UK for customer service which clearly takes some doing. I wouldn't mind but if they hadn't bought up big bits of Standard Life then they wouldn't have any of my money anyway. Well, I call it my money but the stiff resistance they are putting up in letting me get it makes me doubt it - aha, maybe that's their business strategy. I finally lost the plot when they informed me that not only could I not transfer any money to my First Direct account with the security card reader they had sent me for internet banking, but I couldn't do it via telephone banking either and would have to go to a branch, at which time I would be charged £25 by way of an administration fee for their trouble. By the time I had finished my firm but polite critique of their customer management procedures they had put £25 into my account to pay me for the trouble. After all that I can't believe I tried to get through to BT to ask for a replacement handset for the one that has died - I stopped trying after three attempts to speak to someone.

Footie practice for Eve tonight, another whippet walk and perhaps a quick libation for me.

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