
By Hillyblips


I had more or less sorted my blip for today, having been over to Malvern and caught a fairly respectable Speckled Wood. Then these two Common Darters flitted over the pond.

Mild panic: no battery in the camera, no card in the camera, wrong lens on camera! 'Bother! Bother!!' I said to myself - got to say here not quite those words!

After a wild flurry of activity just managed to grab a few images. Think I am possibly trying to run before I can walk with this one but I just had to blipit.

This really does so remind me of air to air jets refuelling which is quite appropriate with the news today that the MOD have discovered in tests that their £10b fleet of refuelling planes leak when they fill up British jets! 'Bother! Bother!' I hear them saying......

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