stuff & nonsense

By sleepyhead

Pastures New

A fresh start? A second chance?

It appears that I seem to have upset a few folks by turning off comments. I'm sorry, it wasn't my intention. Just needed some thinking time about non-blip stuff and seemed a bit unfair to leave them on when I couldn't guarantee to get back to you. Still got a wee bit of sorting out to do, but I've switched them back on.

Commenting has become a separate issue for me too though. I'm a bit of a dinosaur. Not good at adapting to change. In the beginning when I had only a few subscribers I was able to dedicate some time each night for a proper catch up with everyone. However, as (unbelievably and most gratefully) the number of you good folks who want to keep in touch grew, I was finding my time being stretched and stretched. I have tried (unsuccessfully) to continue commenting as I always did and it's just not working anymore. I still don't know what I'm going to do so for now I'll probably just be popping in and out of your journals with comments but I'll still enjoy viewing them.

Thanks so much for your continued views and your oft surreptitious ways ;-) around my comments block to continue to share your lovely words. I really do appreciate it so much.

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