wait just one more shot

By Susanbmathew

I Am Bored

It is hard to be TTB. There are somethings I just don't get.
I was just sitting around watching my favorite YouTube channel the other day ( yeah I do that)
And hey a freaking mouse ran by me. So I caught it. Now when I watch Simon's cat videos, he has a mouse friend. This is a lie people. Mice do not like me. I don't get it.
Frankly I hate the feel of them in my mouth. However, I felt this needed to be brought to mom's attention,so I brought it to her and dropped it on her feet.
It was still alive.
I proceeded to stalk this mouse playing catch and release.......until it escaped into the cellar.
Mom was mad and said swears at me. I don't get it.
Anyway, I am bored. I need more things to do. When mom does things I am right beside her. If she looks under the couch.......I look under the couch. If she empties a bag...... I help. Ok I let her do the dishes by herself. I hate water.
I will however sit by and sing the song of my people if she doesn't speak to me.
Anyway, I need a kitten. Things are in the works.
Stay tuned.
Goodnight down under and g'day to the north

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