Its been a very dull and rainy day.  I decided to go shopping in Newcastle.  I shopped in the Sales in Next and M & S and bought 5 tops and 1 pair of trousers.  Also some food in Tesco and Waitrose.  Didn't get home till 8pm - I was worn out.  Sea bass and salad for my tea.

Didn't take any photos in town as I was mostly inside in the shopping centre so I took this shot of Tino sitting on top of one of the cat towers this evening.  Made it into an abstract for Abstract Thursday. ( it doesn't fit with the optional theme but I didn't have the time for that ) Thanks to Ingeborg for hosting.

Just realised that this shot could be an entry for The July Photo Challenge as the theme today is EYES.  Its hosted by HeartFreek

Steps today - 10,028

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