Frankie Cowbone

"I ain't no coward, kid.", whispered Cowbone, looking nervously to the left. "But if Tony Moontana saw me talking to you I'd be so much beef jerky and burgers that I could feed the five thousand ten times over. You get my drift?"

The kid wasn't listening. It looked like he was reloading that strange black persuader ready to shoot!

"OK OK! I get the picture! Frankie Cowbone ain't no squealer but I ain't ready for the big freezer either! Word is that Don Corlepony's gathering the troops. Word is if he sees you again you ain't getting no second chance. I'm doing you a favour kid now put that thing down!"

The guy in the big coat that probably covered a skinny frame gave a warning click with the box and then turned and walked away. Frankie couldn't even muster a moment of amoosement when he saw the jerk miss his footing and drop into a ditch.

He'd squealed like a pig and if Tony Moontana found out that he might have just started a turf war with Corlepony gang, he was mincemeat...

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