Footbridge to the (River) Ness Islands, in Inverness. I liked those little ferns growing on the side of it. And yeah, I knew that sky through the trees would be overexposed. Just didn't expect it to be quite so bad.

Took two shots today. Wow! Preferred this of the pair, even with that blown out sky. Contrast, once again, weird. Plenty fine detail, but it almost as if there's a fogging effect. Of course if I were an arty type, I could be revelling in the possibilities - dreamy portraits, and more. But I'm not. Just a fussy staid and ageing engineer!

That's the end of this spool - only twelve with 6 x 6 on 120 film - here's hoping the next one's better. Finished it off yesterday (20th July) - the same day that the first spool, with the above photo, came back from processing. Black & White for spool three, i.e. normal service resumes from the 21st of this month.

(Same bridge previously.)

Yashica Mat-124G : f/8 : 1/30" : 80mm : ISO100

Lens: Yashinon 80mm f/3.5
Film: Kodak Ektar 100 (Colour negative)

[Frame : 12]

Extra - The new bridge being constructed over the River Ness by Holm Mills, viewed from the South side of the river, for a change.

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