a lifetime burning

By Sheol

Crime Scene

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The first day of Incredibish and my motorcycle tour up to Scotland started well.  The weather was kind to us in the main, and we arrived in Glasgow on time and dry, after 400 miles on the bikes.  The journey up from the West Country by motorway was always going to be a bit of a chore, but by early evening we had checked in to our hotel and ridden into the city centre to explore.  

After what seemed like an absolute age, we eventually managed to find motorbike parking spaces and were able to go in search of things to potentially blip.  I spotted the workman's boots left by the side of the road roller and took the opportunity to stage this shot, much to the amusement of the people in the restaurant behind me.  (I put the boots back after taking the shot).

As an extra I have uploaded a shot of the pair of us at Mark's place,  at the start of our first day.

Mark's take on the first day is here

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