Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

Goodbye, y'all

Our American friends arrived safely last night. Actually, this morning. But they were in good spirits by the time they arrived at our place about midday and yesterday's airport miseries were almost forgotten.

We wandered round to a local cafe and had lunch/brunch. Archie lay down under the table (extra) with his chin on JR's dangling foot. A hearty lunch was had, accompanied by stories and adventures from their Spanish adventure.

We then came back to our garden - thank goodness it was sunny today - and sat in sun enjoying a beer and more stories. Archie fetched his burst football lots of times.

Then all too soon Kit and Fran had to go back to their BnB and get organised for the journey home to Chattanooga tomorrow. Let's hope there are no missed connections.

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