Today's Special

By Connections

At Ease

This is Mehitabel, one of Artist Annie's two delightful cats. Both were nonchalant observers this afternoon while Ann and I tackled a very full bookcase and some craft storage areas in her study in preparation for her move to a smaller home. You can see the "after" photo in Ann's journal entry for today (it's the top photo).

Although you might not believe it were you to see the desk at which I'm writing this -- or some other areas of my home -- I really enjoy sorting and organizing. It's even more fun doing that with a good friend who has many interests and can make quick decisions about what to keep and what to include the estate sale that will take place later this summer.

I love cats, and having Mehitabel and Duma checking on our progress now and then was an additional pleasure. I was impressed at how calm they are, despite the temporary chaos.

I'll be back for another round or two of "keep"/"for the sale" sorting in the next few weeks, and look forward to seeing Ann's new home a few weeks later!

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