Big Hill

By bighill

A late bloomer..

A few years ago this rouge iris appeared in the garden along with the day lilies....Terry has no memory of planting it, i didn't plant it either!   so each year, about this time, this sweet iris appears.   there are now 4 of them blooming!

It's been a funny few days...still dealing with more pain than i'm used to, mostly with the pinched nerve in my shoulder/neck area!   started a round of acupuncture treatments yesterday - so we'll see if that helps.

It's wednesday so it's usually my market day, but i decided that my time was better spent making pots cos there are slim pick'ns on the shelves right now!  it's been a busy couple of weeks!   So after making mugs and cups i climbed up onto Rae's massage table and she did her thing.   Who  said massage was relaxing....huh....not when you've got crazy stuff going on with your neck, it's down right painful!   she did give me some extra TLC and did my feet and calves....that helped!

Lovely and hot and summery here...i've been swimming in the pond most is glorious!

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