The Rock of Cashel

Last day of the tour, took us back to Blarney.  We didn’t bother doing the castle part of the day as we’d already don’t that last week.  I had considered doing it again to kiss the stone, seeing I didn’t last week, but decided that it wasn’t important enough to me to make the effort.  

Instead a walk around Blarney village, a bit of shopping and a relax over a beer seemed the order of the day.

On our way from Blarney back to Dublin we took a side trip to the Rock of Cashel.  Wow! 

There have been so many wows on this trip, and I have left so many of them out of my journal – purely because I’d never stop typing if I included them all. 

Tour over.  A hotel tonight.  A fascinating hotel – originally 4 buildings, all joined together.  Because they are all historic buildings no structural changes were allowed so there are the most fascinating steps up and down all over the place, stairways, corners, and rooms tucked in odd places.  I did wonder why they insisted on showing us to our rooms – no wonder, we may never have found them otherwise!

We went out for dinner at TGIFridays which is in our hotel, and though we’d talked about doing a bit of drinking, in the end we crawled into beds pretty early.  Exhausted.

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