Skip's Blips

By Skip

Cooper likes socks!

Cooper is fond of socks, as you can tell from this blip. Take off your socks and let them lay on the floor instead of throwing them into the hamper, and you are sure to see Cooper carrying one around in his teeth. Yesterday when Bob opened the refrigerator door to get something, curious Cooper stuck his head inside to look for a snack. A little later, I opened the refrigerator door and was surprised to discover a dirty athletic sock laying on the ledge inside the door. I quickly whipped it out of there and tossed it into the hamper. Never a dull moment when Cooper's around.

Cooper's visit ended this evening, so our canine house guest has returned home. No more surprises in the refrigerator for me. Life will be unbelievably dull without Cooper, but I swear Gulliver heaved a big sigh of relief.

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