
By Veronica

Messing about

What can I say? It was late, and I hadn't taken any photos. Note to TickyTocky: the jazz never stops. We might be a bit jazzed-out now; we went to St Jacques d'Albas for yet another concert, by the Mathieu Danesin quartet. It's a very elegant venue, perhaps too elegant for bebop. It would have been better if they'd dimmed the lights and sat people informally at small tables instead of in rows. But yay, no amplification, other than a small speaker for the double bass.

The concert finished at 9 pm and we were a fair way from home with empty stomachs. So we stopped at the newish lounge bar O Mazette in Fabrezan on the way home for a glass of wine and some tapas. It was really pleasant sitting in the garden on a warm evening with trance music drifting from speakers, so one glass turned into two and possibly even three. This place is so out of step with what we're used to around here; it was good to see it was fairly busy. I played with focusing on my camera and this is the result.

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