As Told By Ginger

By 9to12

Don't Get Over-Stimulated

I had the worst night of sleep last night, also known as no sleep. I woke up much more tired than usual and with a killer headache.

I practiced MYO music in orchestra, and did push-ups in gym. In lunch, I obtained proof that I'm not the one leaving the office a mess. In APUSH I got yelled at for texting, while I was really making flash cards on my phone because I was trying to be productive and not just sit there wasting time. Math was a blast.

After trying to do physics after school, I gave up and tried to teach Adam some more piano. We ended up just enjoying the auditorium for a bit before I had practice. Practice was easier than expected. MYO tonight was fun, but I was too tired to really enjoy it.

Word of the Day: Sententious - Abounding in pithy aphorisms or maxims: a sententious book

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