Morning Glories and another "volunteer"

Dear Diary,

Before I went to the hospital these morning glories were only small buds.  I was delighted to see them blooming beautifully when I got back.  I planted seeds very late so I wondered if they'd bloom before the first frost, which can come very early around here.  They are such old fashioned flowers.  We always had some at the house where I grew up.  My grandmother loved them, I do too.

Another volunteer sunflower is entwined with the morning glories but how it got there is a bit of a mystery.  It was probably dropped by a bird or squirrel.  There is another such volunteer on the other side of the potting shed.  Wonderful little gifts.

The eclipse will happen later this afternoon but here in Maine it will be only a partial one.  I won't try to photograph it as I haven't spent any time researching how to do it.  I'll wait for the next one in 2024!  It should get a bit dark here so I will photograph that I guess.

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