I know this is a cheesy photo....I know I know

Still....this photo made me happy because it is the result of about an hour of reading my camera manual, my flash manual and finding tutorials on internet. This photo is taken with my external flash working as a remote. It took awhile to figure it out but once I did, it works great and is actually quite simple. Now I just need a soft box and a tripod for my flash :-) For this photo, I just had the flash on its side on top of a lamp of to the side of the flowers and all other lights turned off. I think the lighting turned out quite nice. Fun learning something new :-)

Otherwise a good and busy day at work - with my lovely students. They are great kids - fun working with them. We are just starting to read "I Know Why the Cage Bird Sings" - I love teaching this autobiography. I think it is beautifully written and I just love Maya Angelou.

I consciously made no plans for the eve and I have gotten some work done, and figured out my flash...my weeks really just work better when I give myself at least one eve at home. When I get that, Im ready for some action on the other nights :-) All about balance.
I am rambling here this eve ...and not really much to say :-)

Im off - have a good eve all!

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