My morning walk

One of the best things about having a dog, was one of the things I had worried most about...the dreaded morning walk. However, it is such a nice way to start the day and I usually really enjoy it. I dont normally take my camera- so morning walk photos are usually iPhone and instagram material.....but iphone or not, this was the best photo of the day.

Just had a good and thought provoking conversation....about our inner trolls :-)

It was a good day - happy news for E - seems he has gotten a place on the football team he tried out for last year and didnt make.....broke his heart....and mine :-) But E has a strong will - fantastic for an 11 year old and he has worked really hard to make it onto this team and today we got a mail saying he could start training with them....yay! I have been so proud of him through out this whole process. He never considered giving up and he was amazingly supportive of his friends who did make the team first time around. He is a really good kid :-)

Now I need to make myself a pancake and get to work....I promised my friend S to have her photos done by Tuesday....tomorrow!

Hope you have all had a great day!

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