Susan i Oslo

By susanioslo

The building project

2 women in the neighbourhood have bought a house and are COMPLETELY redoing it, from the inside out. It is a huge project and Im impressed. I have been documenting the process from the beginning but I havent been there for awhile now. This morning I snuck around and got quite a few photos and these are a few of them. This has been a fun project and great to see how things are moving ahead. ....AND I got to work with my flash. Figuring out my flash is my photo goal this week.

Today turned into a taxi sort of day...driving first one of the boys to football and back and then the other, and then to the store and then pick the first one up again and then pick the second one up again.....Not how I would have liked the day to be. We were with friends for part of the time, E for more time ....and that was lovely - would have liked to just hang out there longer :-) But all things considered it turned out alright- everyone got where they needed to go and I stayed fairly calm through it all....could definitely use another Sunday though :-)

And I dont feel quite myself ...hope its not my turn for the flu that has been going around.

Ok though....I have work to do for class tomorrow but I think I am just going to get to sleep and get up early to get it done. Only one more week and then it is fall break....lovely!

Hope you have all had a good Sunday!

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