Well darn!

I'd already posted this when WWombat pointed out that it was my blip birthday.  7 Years!  Without a miss!  Whew.

I had planned a candle image when I received a blip reminder earlier in the week, then forgot all about it.  Never mind, I'm sure "Minty" here won't mind helping me celebrate the day.

As always my thanks goes to Blip Central who keep us going, and to all of you who encourage and support.  You are a large part of what makes blipping worthwhile!  Well, you and the sanity it brings to have those minutes of 'time out' each day when focusing on photography instead of all the woes of the world.  

This poor wee lad was most distressed about being on the wrong side of the fence. 

I'm not sure how he got out, but I hope the farmer finds him before a car does.  Fortunately it was on a quiet back road with a wide grass verge so he should be safe enough.

I tried helping him but that just upset him more, so I left him to it.

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