The Life Of Ponty Cyclops

By pontycyclops

Of Jacuzzis And Moobs

Well one for the girls, a topless photo of me ... Moobs and all (let's get the piss taking out of the way straight away).

Week twos apartment has a Jacuzzi! We knew that, and it was part of the fun of waiting for the second week to arrive. It is also a two storey apartment, which is the first time we have had to climb stairs for a very long time ... I mean, we don't even have any back home!

It was overcast and dull all morning, and I was quite keen to try out said Jacuzzi, so I filled it during breakfast. It was bloody brilliant. Now this is the life ... a glass of red and lots of bubbles!

Our ability to help Madeira's water shortage struck this afternoon. It threw it down for hours. We were blaming the people coming in yesterday for bringing the rain with them. All joking aside some of the scenes back home look terrible!

We tried a new restaurant again tonight, after we tried a new one last night. Last night we were in My Way, which was simple but very good food, and a very, very congenial host. I have no idea what the name of tonight's restaurant was, but it was the best meal I have had since we have got here. I had pork in garlic and rosemary. It was blooming delicious.

Crystal clear skies as we go to bed. Hopefully bodes for some more sunshine tomorrow.

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