I had intended going out today to get a few steps but thought again as the weather has been rainy ------ and there was a lot I needed to get on with at home.  In the end I didn't really achieve  much and most of my " to do list " didn't get done. Should have pressed on more as this was the last " free day " before my trip. The next few days all have something on the calendar.

However I did do some ironing and washing.  And booked a taxi for next Tuesday morning ( early ).  And searched the fridge for stuff that needed using up and made some some mini quiches with what I found.

I was looking around for something to use for Abstract Thursday and in the end took a shot of a lightbulb in a lamp I was getting ready  for while I am away - setting it up with a timer. Obviously I faffed around with it in Picasa.  Thanks to Ingeborg for hosting the challenge.

Steps today -  only 4,590

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